


A young lady [Prisca Susella Tanis - Cyeka] and [Salvia Dumat - BB] was having their chat and discussing about a passion in a music. With a little knowledge and a few experience in handling the choir team, Cyeka suggest to build a choir team and BB agreed. However, the team was not going very well that year as the year is the first year for them at IPG Campus keningau.

June 2009 is quite memorable moment. One night at the cafeteria, 10 trainee gather to discuss about building a choir team. They are Prisca Susella Tanis (Cyeka), Salvia Dumat (BB), Estarinah Gintulu (Eyster), Ledwina Ibar (Wina) and Elva Zay In (Elva) [ladies]; Maxxwell Raiman (Maxx), Jeimon M. Sintum (Mon), Dimitri Elmer Gukor (Dimit), Frederic Justin (Goyok) and Ronald James Ajis (Ronn). They are the pioneer. Everyone have their own service department. That night, we decided the name "VIVACE FORTE" as the team name.

VIVACE FORTE actually was a musical term;

VIVACE = Direction to performer to play a composition in a brisk, lively, and spirited manner.
FORTE = A symbol indicating to play loud.

Which finalized as 'group's strength is on the brisk, lively and spirited manner'. 

The name have a very deep meaning for us.

After that, we decided to find another person to add up the member. We found them everywhere ... We saw their talent and they joined us.

They are;
1. Azroy Taipoi
2. Rhodeon Rupert Laudi
3. Donn Nielson Kimon
4. Ardy rechie Ampang
5. Amodd deal Tingadon
6. Hidafi Bin Jeffery
7. Rejiah Jamili
8. Flora Gubin
9. Edna John
10. Flavia Vencia
11. Marcellina Nicholas
12. Erlie Jackson

June 2010 start a new moment for us. Again. :) We conduct an audition for the new intake and of course they are new at IPG too. The first experience for us to conduct an audition and we choose;-
1. Audrey
2. Annette Shizu Gaban
3. Heidei Edwin
4. Debra Dianne Sebastian
5. Listra
6. Joel Joseph
7. Jerome Lau Sheng Yi
8. Michael Tang
9. Edny
10. Rechie Ryend Andigi

And June 2011 come ... Again an audition conducted again. :) The add up members are;-
1. Frecy Venda Jhones
2. Viona Taipoi
3. Eltiana Asim
4. Gweynth Vincent
5. Fong Lee San
6. Mariam Mosimbun
7. Alwe Alvera Kimis
8. Louissa G. Sundang
9. Georcy Anak George
10.Rodean Mark Princillo
11. Brian Ginsos
12. Junichiro Iaan Maritus
13. Aaron Charles
14. Edwin Luyoh

and a new discovered talent
1. Christcyee Christoper
2. Marcellius Sikau

Recent member : 48.